A few years ago, in an effort to make sure I take the memories with me, I made a concerted effort to start capturing my adventures with screenshots. Beautiful vistas, epic cut-scenes or just my character looking particularly cool, I snap it all.
Below are 17 of my favourite shots taken since then. I edit all of my shots in Adobe Lightroom, generally bringing out colours and other small adjustments to exaggerate the mood. I find the native game is a little unsaturated, not that you notice while playing, so it's nice to have a screenshot collection that really 'pops'.
Looking at the below you'd be forgiven for thinking I mainly play dark side characters. Fear not, I have plenty of Jedi and Republic shots too! They just didn't really make the cut this time round.
(1) First we have the Jedi Academy on Tython. The first world many of us experience in the game and one of, if not the, most beautiful and peaceful. There's a serenity from just existing on Tython that is hard to match anywhere else. This view, as you first mount the hill and the Academy is revealed, is one of my earliest in-game 'wow' moments.
(2) Belsavis is a remarkable world: ice, snow, jungles, waterfalls, lava. Not to mention ancient Rakata monuments, tombs and abandoned machines... A great and dangerous world to explore. Here my Agent and his companion scout out a hilltop facility.
(3) My Sith Warrior assessing the scene on Tatooine. I love the distance visible on the desert world. I imagine he's probably a bit hot though.
(4) Cut-scenes and planetary intros are great for screen-grabbing. I can't recall exactly where this is, but the composition appealed to me.
(5) This 2001-style composition caught my eye, from somewhere in KOTFE or KOTET I believe.
(6) Nathema, as it appears in its namesake Flashpoint, is a stunning world. The view from this cliff-top gave me a Lord of the Rings vibe.
(7) Exploring the heart of Nathema. The ancient statues found here are a brilliant bit of design.
(8) Ilum follows the SWTOR guidelines of 'if it's a new area and we need it to look distinct: make it night-time.' (Looking at you Section X and Rishi.) It does it with style - adding falling meteorites and a view of the galactic plane.
(9) I've tried to limit the number of cut-scene shots here, as I'm obviously not composing them myself. But occasionally everything just looks so good I can't help but take a snap. Here my Agent, in full trooper armour, pilots a craft.
(10) I love this shot of the Dune Sea on Tatooine. It gives an inviting sense of exploration and vastness - the light from the twin suns leading you out of the shadows and off to who-knows-where.
(11) A pastiche of the ion cannon on Hoth from The Empire Strikes Back, this night-time shot of Belsavis shows the scale of Republic machinery on the prison world. At least, I assume this is a Republic installation and not a Rakatan relic?
(12) Sometimes everything just comes together: the look and feel of your character, their stance, lighting. This was one of those times. This is Elidian Telkadis, the head-canon captain of my Inquisitor's personal guard.
(13) Perhaps the quintessential Star Wars image, ever since the Millennium Falcon barrelled towards Alderaan in A New Hope. I love a hyperspace shot and this one translates that feeling of speed and boundless energy.
(14) At the risk of starting a giant-guns-pointing-at-the-sky series, here's another giant gun pointing at the sky. Onderon is a complex and beautiful addition to the game. The similarity in form between this shot and number 11 is striking.
(15) I adore this shot of Hoth. The structures emerging from the icy haze lends it an eerie feel. The planet feels vast in SWTOR and this shot highlights the isolated nature of each settlement.
(16) This shot is an oddity as it was captured mid-combat, something that's tricky to do and normally results in unusable images! The power of a Dark Lord of the Sith is apparent here - the Jedi being electrocuted obviously not the first victim of the Dark Lord's rage.
(17) There's nothing particularly special about this shot and, again, it's from a cut-scene so I can't take much credit. I just love the lighting and how the hologram illuminates my Inquisitor as he listens to Shae Vizla. The later-game cut-scenes are a great source of screenshots and a great way to really get a look at an armour combination you've spent effort on.